Love Serenade is the darkest of the rom-coms, and concerns two sisters in a tiny country town who compete for the affections of their new neighbour. Min is especially a lot of fun, with her drolly bitter monologues, but all the support actors are effective as well.
#Best chick flick movies 2017 full
Could it be David, Stanley (Jaz’s longtime boyfriend) or one of the many other young men in their lives? The film, made with unknown actors, is witty, cheeky and fast-moving, and full of ideas about love and sex and being a young woman in the 1990s. Min, Jazz and their other girlfriends, support each other and discuss their problems with men, work and other matters throughout the film, though the question remains, where will Min’s next boyfriend come from. Thanks to her best friend, Jaz (Astrid Grant), she finds a room with David (Nicholas Bishop), a handsome student whose lively sex-life throws Min’s situation into even sharper relief. Min (Sara Browne) is a 22-year-old woman who loses her job, boyfriend and flat on the same day. Occasional Coarse Language was one of a spate of low-budget Aussie rom-coms about young inner-city singles in their early twenties, trying to find love, sex and friendship. Alice’s quest is at the heart of the film, and Noonan is very good in a twitchy sort of way. Strange Fits of Passion is another of the late 90s inner-city share-house rom-coms that followed Love and Other Catastrophes (below at #2), and has a lot of laughs as well as a few tears. She meets Bukowski-quoting Francis (Jack Finsterer), post-modern poet Josh (Samuel Johnson), and a Spanish teacher Pablo (Steve Adams), but romantic ideas and nervousness keep interfering with her quest to be deflowered. Strange Fits of Passion (1999) (Elise McCredie)Ī 20-year-old bookshop worker and nerd, Alice (Michela Noonan), embarks on a quest to lose her virginity, which she thinks is the cause of her awkward shyness around blokes she fancies. Of course this is not everyone’s cup of Bushells Blue Label, but I enjoyed this zombie-filled love story (See here for more about the film).

The dialogue is explicit, the street scenes authentically grim, the references to horror-flicks frequent and the pace snappy, as we watch these lost but likeable young things gradually get their lives together. One day a goth-girl called May (Abi Tucker) walks in, and seems to understand Dean and even like him.
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Dean (Sam Lewis) wants to be a writer of zombie films, but works in a video-rental shop, and spends his free time smoking dope and watching zombie films with his flatmate Ian (Justin Smith) and his ex, Jade (Jessica Napier).

This is the grittiest of the 90s rom-coms, and was set in Sydney’s sex-and-drugs centre Kings Cross rather than cool Newtown like most other films. The following films are Australia’s 30 best rom-coms (IMHO), starting at number 30 and counting down: 30. If you don’t like the characters or baulk at the extremes of silliness, you won’t make it to the end of the film. But if there is something charming and likeable about the characters, we get carried along with the romance anyway. Rom-coms often start with absurd situations, and the people in ‘rom-com world’ constantly say and do silly things that demand a lot in the way of suspension of disbelief. In the last five years or so, there has also been something of a resurgence of millennial rom-coms in Australia, and there are eight newish films in my list, with an array of fresh new faces. You can also see actors who became famous locally when they were young, and others who disappeared from sight completely. Some of these actors in these Australian films have gone on to international careers, but you can see them here, when they were young and starting out. This was during the golden age of the rom-com in the US and the UK, which started with Moonstruck and Broadcast News in 1987 and ended soon after Love Actually in 2003. Many of these films were made between the 1990s and the early 2000s. However, there are a surprising number of Aussie rom-coms (or enough at least to make a top 30 list meaningful). The romantic-comedy, or rom-com, is one of the world’s most popular film genres, but has Australia made any good rom-coms? We know Australia makes lots of comedies, but most people would be hard-pressed to think of many Aussie rom-coms.

So it’s Valentine’s Day and time for a rom-com, both here ‘Down Under’, and there ‘Up Over’.