for making these special local memes for us. Hats off to the top local meme pages such as The DickTeyder, Rantages, Thakurma Jhuli Memes, etc. The Locality: If there's one thing I came to realise, it's that there are giant reservoirs of local memes that are specific to countries. The Education: In the era where good education is hard to come by, you've got three choices: go to a coaching, learn to do everything by yourself, or follow meme pages like Elastic Economics Memes for Entrepreneurial Teens or Mathematical Memes for Logarithmically Scaled Teens.ġ5. The Puntastic: These memes tend to be the combination of a global brand of fruit-flavored carbonated drinks, and a thin piece of wood that has fallen or been cut off a tree.ġ4.

Statistics (that I just made up on the spot) say that depression rates went down by 300% after this trend showed up, the economy is booming, and now everyone is in love and feels like a doggo who's been told he's a good boy.ġ3. The Wholesome: Here to tackle the depression memes trend is the wholesome memes trend. Sorry if you expected a joke here, but you can't expect Muggles to understand.ġ2. The Fanbase: You won't get any of these memes until you're a part of the fanbase. I'd give you an example, but to be honest, it doesn't seem that funny out of the picture. The Nonsensical: This one isn't slapstick humour, but it usually comes in a form where the meme starts off perfectly normally before warping into something that's so out of place that you burst out laughing before you even wholly realise what you read. Usually the texts are replaced in such memes.ġ0. Examples include: the ever legendary Cyanide & Happiness, Sarah's Scribbles, Lunarbaboon, etc.

They're like vegetables, but they don't taste bland. The Comics: Organically made, always fresh, you can't help but love these memes. It's just so dumb that you can't help but laugh your socks off.ĩ. For example: I have a meme of the "Dad, why am I named _?" that just goes "'Dad, why am I dad', 'Because Dad', 'Thanks dad', 'You're welcome Dad'", with the Dad's face photoshopped onto the son's head. The Slapstick Humour: This is when the Trender gets so tired of itself that it will do whatever it takes to make itself funny. You'll either laugh, or go '…wat?' and THEN laugh because it seems so ridiculous. The Obscurity: This one isn't like the Niche in the sense that it's not under-the-table, but it's completely obscure and makes absolutely no sense. A friend of mine then introduced me to the brand new 'Nut' memes and I kid you not, it's just pictures of nuts and bolts in various different settings and somehow, it's still somehow funny.ħ.

On New Year, I posted a joke status on my Facebook, saying that 2018 has no good new memes yet. The Niche: These under-the-table memes are the ones that are somehow only available to a very specific audience. Pages like Postsize, Imgur and 9GAG have a tendency to do this a lot, and it's either really good or really bad. The Series: These memes tend to be either made or compiled into a collection.