Romans 1:2, 7) since then they have been permanently open to all perfect saints. According to the Roman Catholic view, until Christ's death and resurrection, which constituted the decisive moments of the work of redemption, the doors of heaven were closed to all (Catech. Hell is placed lowest, purgatory next, then limbus for infants and finally is enumerated a place for those who died before the advent of Christ. Besides these she enumerates limbus infantum the department for infants limbus patrum, the department of the fathers and purgatory. Heaven is the residence of the holy, and hell of the finally damned. There are five places to which the Church of Rome consigns departed spirits. Latin limbo, ablative form of limbus, border taken from "in limbo patrum", a phrase used by the Church Fathers.Limbo Or Limbus meaning a border or department, is used by Romanists as the name of the place of some of the departed, which the schoolmen who first held this doctrine (see below) believed to be situated on the limb, i.e., the edge or border of hell. At stake in the traditional belief in limbo is the revealed doctrine that heaven is a sheer gift of divine goodness and that baptism of water or desire is necessary to enter heaven. Pope Pius XII declared that "an act of love can suffice for an adult to acquire sanctifying grace and supply for the lack of baptism to the unborn or newly born infant this way is not open" (Acta Apostolicae Sedis, XLIII, 84). They were condemned by Pope Pius VI as teaching something "false, rash and injurious to Catholic education," because they claimed that it was a Pelagian fable to hold that there is a place "which the faithful generally designate by the name of limbo of children," for the souls of those who depart this life with the sole guilt of original sin (Denzinger 2626). Among others who denied the existence of limbo were the Jansenists, whose theory of selective predestination excluded the need for any mediatorial source of grace, including baptism. On their premises there is no need of such a place. Those who either deny that heaven is a supernatural destiny to which no creature has a natural claim, or who deny that original sin deprives a person of a right to heaven logically also deny the very possibility of limbo. The Church has never defined the existence of limbo, although she has more than once supported the fact by her authority.
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It is believed that infants in limbo know and love God intensely by the use of their natural powers, and the enjoy full natural happiness. Rather, "They rejoice because they share in God's goodness and in many natural perfections" (De Malo, V, 3). Thomas Aquinas answers that they do not, because pain of punishment is proportioned to personal guilt, which does not exist here. The great majority of theologians, approved by the Church, teach that infants who die in original sin suffer no "pain of sense." They are simply excluded from the beatific vision. Pius V had the passage removed from Cajetan's works. Cardinal Cajetan (1469-1534) espoused the same theory, but Pope St. Bernard suggested that such infants could reach heaven because of the faith of their parents (De Baptismo I, 4 II, 1). Some theologians of renown have thought that God might supply the want of baptism by some other means. After defining justification as "a passing from the state in which man is born of the first Adam, to the state of grace and adoption as sons of God," Trent declared, "Since the Gospel was promulgated, this passing cannot take place without the water of regeneration or the desire for it, as it is written, 'Unless a man be born again of water and the Holy Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God' (John 3:5)" (Denzinger 1524). This is the teaching of the ecumenical councils of Florence and Trent. Regarding the limbo of infants, it is an article of the Catholic faith that those who die without baptism, and for whom the act of baptism has not been supplied in some other way, cannot enter heaven. The limbo of infants (limbus infantium) is the permanent state of those who die in original sin but are innocent of any personal guilt.

The limbo of the Fathers (limbus patrum) was the place where the saints of the Old Testament remained until Christ's coming and redemption of the world. They enjoy the happiness that would have been human destiny if humans had not been elevated to the supernatural order.Ĭatholic theology distinguishes two kinds of limbo. The abode of souls excluded from the full blessedness of the beatific vision, but not suffering any other punishment. John Hardon's Modern Catholic Dictionary, © Eternal Life.

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